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IIT kanpur,Aerospace (Aerodynamics) Direct Ph,D interview experiences.


My self *********, I have completed my B.Tech (from Mechanical Engineering) in 2018. I wrote GATE 2018 as well as 2019 and got a decent score. CGPA was moderate. for PhD programme your GATE score and CGPA not really matter a lot it is just a screening and cutoff purpose, but the thing is you have to really passionate about what you are going to do, you need to really strong in your basic engineering and math, Especially in-depth knowledge of your subject of the domain(not necessary bounded by GATE syllabus)
 Domains are broadly classified as

AERODYNAMICS    Fluid mechanics, Aerofoil theory, Basic of Turbulences, Heat Transfer Flow separation and    Engineering Maths,

FLIGHT MECHANICS AND CONTROL  Mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Aerofoil theory, some control system, Engineering Maths.

STRUCTURE AND AEROELASTICITY  Strength of materials, Theory of Machine, Vibration, Engineering Maths.

PROPULSION Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, combustion engine, Engineering Maths.

Back to our point
 My Btech final year project was weight stabilizer by using Magnus effect ( your final year project really matters)
  After shortlisting by the cut-off, you will get called for Subjective written Test and Grand interview.

Subjective Test

   The subjective test had contained three compulsory math question and Two Technical questions you have to answer. 
total marks was 200 and you have to complete within 3 hrs.
In mathematics, the questions were From Linear algebra, Complex Number, Differential Equation and Higher-order non-linear differential equation.
The written test was an elimination round, Only shortlisted candidate are eligible for Grand interview.

Personal Interview 

The interview was purely Technical in nature which requires the presence of mind and your technical aptitude skills.
In my interview panel(Aerodynamics Panel) there was 6-7 eminent professors were present, they told me to go to the whiteboard on the podium and conversion started.

Prof1; Tell me something about your self.

me: I started (meanwhile they read my sop and CV what I was submitted )

after that they switch to technical questions, go deep to deeper into a particular problem itself,
for example, they asked me Do you know how fluid can be transferred from one container to another without using any machine?. I answered by Siphon effect we can.

prof1; Than derive the equation of siphon effect and tell me the physics behind it,

prof2; Without calculation first tell me when the siphon flow will be zero, tell me by your intuition.

 me; I answered correctly. Then proceed for derivation( firstly I go with wrong way but after that, I refresh my self and picked the correct way ).

Prof2; okay now you proved your intuitive result by this equation.

me: I did correctly.

Prof2; Add a small pump in between the syphon and derive again.

me: I did

prof 2: now you Add a Heat exchanger there again modify the result

me; I did

Prof2; suppose the flow is unsteady than what are modification is needed.

me; sir this is not possible by this equation as Bernoulli's equation does not hold for the unsteady case, so we have to go for another way,
I thought for it and started doing this...
prof3: okay,  what happens if I put the whole syphon system into space will it work?

me: I was thinking and answered wrongly.

prof3; don't hurry, check your explanation and answer me.

me: I check again and I found a mistake and change my answer.

prof3; if I put the whole system underneath the ocean will it work?

me; I answered and modified the equation what I derived.
 (finally, siphon chapter was closed😏)

This type of three technical questions they have asked
After that, some of the rapid-fire questions(none technical) were asked for knowing my behaviour and mindset.
The interview was last for 40 to 45 minutes

After 16 days final shortlisted candidate name is announced.
Only two candidates are selected for Direct PhD in Aerodynamics, I am one of them.

they will not check your knowledge rather they interested in how you proceed and tackle your problem by using your apptitude skills, your understanding of the subject and your procedure of tackle the problem is far more important than your knowledge and formulas.

 “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid''.----Albert Einstein 

Reference book you can follow for written and interview :
     Fluid Mechanics By Sk Som, Chakrtoborti & Biswas or
     Fluid Mechanics By Frank White

                                                               THANK YOU!


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