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How to measure growth rate of the plants?

I know some times you wondered, like me how fast plants are growth per day, on the contrary, we don't have that patience to observe the plant whole day. To solve this problem inventor W.D.Frost, Alex P. Anderson came up with a device or set up called Auxanometer.

"Auxanometer" is a device used to measure the change in the growth of plants.
Very easy and simple in construction even you can make it in your home.

This device has contained a pulley, a measuring meter, a clamp rod and some weight and threads.
Thread and weight are used for creating an upward force on the plants so that it grows straight in a vertical direction. As shown in the above picture.
After a few days when the plant grows weight is come down as this tread is connected through the pulley, the pulley will be rotated. This rotation is lead to measure by a scale.
If the scale is calibrated we will get directly the change in height of the plant.

rate of change in hieght= (difference in height /observation hours)


 The species of 45 genera of Bamboo is the fastest rate of growing plants in the world! its growth rate has been found 91 cm per day. WOW!!!

 The Saguaro cactus is the slowest rate of growing plant in the world, it takes approx 150 years to grow 10 cm.

Hope you learn something new today!


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